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This is what panic looks like!


People have asked me why I created this website. I did it out of panic!


About six months before my promotion board met, I told my husband I was going to retire from the Air Force if I didn't get selected for promotion. Then I panicked and realized I didn't have a viable plan for life after the Air Force.


I spent twenty years as a health administrator in the Air Force so the logical thing would be something in health care. I really wanted to bring value to others by helping them grow personally and professionally. I was already doing this as much as I could by sharing lessons learned in life and leadership with the my teammates. There had to be something more I could do.


I decided to start a blog. It was scary. What if I no one wanted to read what I had to say? What if people didn't like what I wrote? What if I ran out of things to write?


After I convinced myself none my "what ifs" mattered, I set a deadline for myself and went live with the blog. And that is how Inspired Authenticity was born. (Eternal gratitude to my husband for believing in me, supporting me every step of the way and proofreading every blog post I've written!)


I ended up getting selected for that next promotion, so I won't be retiring from the Air Force anytime soon. But my blog is here to stay so I can continue sharing my thoughts on leading yourself authentically so you can be an inspirational leader!

Growing Inspirational Leaders

I am passionate about working with emerging leaders and showing them how to become inspirational leaders by leading their lives authentically. I find it exhilarating to help them find personal and professional success. 

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Leadership Isn't Easy

When I started my leadership journey, there were people who told me I wasn't cut out to be a leader because:

  • I'm quiet

  • I'm too nice

  • I'm an introvert

  • I was young and lacked experience

  • I'm female


Yes, these were true statements. But what did any of them have to do with being an excellent leader?


Absolutely nothing.


Yet I still fell into the trap of believing these were the things that would prevent me from becoming a strong leader.


I eventually found my way and now I can help other emerging leaders find their way as well.

"Creating positive change is the best way to test whether a person can lead well...and everyone deserves to be led well."
                                                                              - John C. Maxwell


Gloria Walski is a Maxwell Leadership certified team member and has successfully completed the Maxwell Method of Coaching course. She is passionate about transforming people into inspirational leaders by showing how they can lead themselves authentically.

Gloria has over 20 years of experience as an Air Force officer and health care administrator. She has held positions of leadership in various assignments to include a deployment to Iraq as an Air Advisor, an assignment with the Office of the Air Force Surgeon General at the Pentagon and two assignments as a squadron commander. Through these experiences, she has been able to help people achieve their personal and professional goals and becoming highly effective leaders in their respective areas of expertise.

Gloria is board certified with the International Association of Emergency Managers as a Certified Emergency Manager. She holds a Masters Degree in Military Operational Art and Science through Air University, a Masters Degree in Disaster and Emergency Management from American Military University and a Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature from Washington University in St. Louis. 

Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member
Leadership is offering a helping hand

Theodore Roosevelt

“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.”


I'm always up for discussing leadership! Let's connect.

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©2025 by Inspired Authenticity LLC


The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the DoD or the Department of the Air Force. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein.

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